Dungeon Crawlers
Supporting Miniature Wargamers Above and Below Ground
Insipration Pad Pro
Inspiration Pad Pro is a free program you can use to generate all sorts of things for your campaign. Generate names, town information, encounters, treasures – you name it!
Skeleton Guard (3.3 KiB, 2,933 hits)
GURPS 4e Random Skeleton Guards. This IPP will create Heavy, Light swordsman, Crossbowman, Archer or Spearmen Skeletal Guard. There is a slight chance that they will explode upon death in either flames, shrapnel or poison gas. This is a nice generator to have if you need some quick skeleton guards!GURPS NPC Generator (112.8 KiB, 4,153 hits)
File updated. Now all Occupation Class bonuses added. Still adding the last half of the Racial Classes.