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  • Dungeon Deck Play Tested

    Posted on March 23rd, 2004 Highland_Piper No comments

    So here I have been making all these tiles and cards and I still had not tried them out.

    I was not able to find anyone to play a game with me so I tried it out with the Solo Rules. All and all I must say I enjoyed it very much.

    I took 11 dungeon cards and the tiles that represent them. I picked my starting position and drew my first card. I will not into major depths into the battles and magespawn I fought as this is not a battle report but a play testing report. o­n the following picture I labled the tiles as I drew them.

    1 Starting Tile
    2 Damn, drew the Special Tile right away! Monster Advisary and 2 treasure chests
    3 Went right, 1 token, no chests
    4 Went North, and found Teleporter Junction, no chests or token
    5 Tried to go right again, drew the card and dead end (was randomly rolling how to place them)
    6 lets go left, 1 chest 1 token
    7 Bone Corridore, Special rule, o­nly undead Mage Spawn, 1 token, no chests
    8 Simple room, empty
    9 Other Teleporter room, empty
    10 1 token, 1 chest
    11 Exit card!
    12 Still had o­ne card to play so I went south, 1 token, 1 chest

    Worked pretty well for single player. The few things I need to work out are and a few things I found out are…..

    1) Teleporters: In the 4th card a drew a teleporter, does it go to next level or somewhere o­n the same level? o­nly allow for 2 level games? If you o­nly have o­ne it must be entrance or exit.

    2) "Here there be Dragons!" This is just to say if there is no room for the tile then the dungeon ends, must go to another area ( example If card 12 was a 5×5 tile I would not have been able to go south).

    3) how well will multiple player games work out?

    4) Figuring out the exit. In this game I pre picked my exit tile and entrance tile so I knew which o­ne it would be. Should I make special "Exit" Cards, or Domain Cards for an Exit? Not quite sure yet.

    5) right now I have made 2 cards for every tile, that way you won't go,"Not that tile again" add alittle bit more of a random affect. Should I continue this or make people play a Domain card for each Tile?

    6) When placing the tile down should they all be premarked o­n the card o­n which side to enter from?  Randomly roll a 1d4 to figure out, let next player decide or the player themself to decide.

    I want all of your suggestions and comments. Please put them in the forums under Mage Knight Dungeons, Dungeon Deck


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