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  • Assembling A Hive Tyrant

    Posted on August 9th, 2003 Rob No comments

    Many people have trouble assembling their Hive Tyrants, sometimes a stance wont be right, or it will be weighted to far forward or backwards. So first off, you'll notice that o­n the left foot is a large round piece, that piece evens out the legs so that it isn't lop-sided when you put it o­n the base.

    I like the look of the left foot being a bit behind and o­n its toe, so I snipped the piece off and filed it flat.Now take the pelvis/tail, and glue the right foot to the pelvis, and directly down to the base. make sure the pelvis isn't too lopsided, leaning too far forward etc. Iit should be straight up (unless you want the tyrant leaning a bit). Now take the left leg and glue it in the position you want as well as right to the base. Now make sure both the legs and the pelvis are in a good position. Once that glue has dried grab the torso, and glue it to the pelvis. Now take which weapons you want o­n the bottom set and glue it/them in place.

    If you want the scything talons, its easy, just glue them in place. If you want o­ne of the guns, glue the main gun part o­n first, then glue the supporting arm o­n after. Then put the top weapon in place. Now its easy, just glue the head o­n and let everything dry. o­nce its dry, check if its unbalanced by leaning the tyrant a bit forward and letting it fall back to its original position. Then just check for loose connections and you're ready to paint!

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