Mechwarrior Repair Bay: Disfiguration
Posted on May 26th, 2009 No commentsIn this basic tutorial I will show you step by step how to fix your mechwarrior miniatures that may have slight disfiguration due to bent limbs and other extremities. In this tutorial I will show you an example by using my vulture with a defective arm. The arm will not rotate due to the fact it is bent.
Disfigured arm
First remove the dial from the miniatures base. This is important as it will keep your dial from becoming damaged by later steps.
Remove the Dial
Select your hair dryer
Grab a hair dryer. Any hair dryer with variable speeds will work. Set your blow dryer to high. This is important as timing is key with this procedure. The plastic needs to be heated at a fast rate.
Place the setting on High
Be carefull not to over heat the mech!
Aim the dryer while on high heat to the specific area that needs adjustment. It is highly recommended that you heat the part for 5 to 10 seconds. If your miniature is a little thicker you can heat for a few seconds longer but do not exceed 15 seconds. It is also recommended that you rotate your miniature as to focus the heat on the specific part you are adjusting. The heat will loosen the plastic allowing it to bend easily
Rotate the Mech slowly
Hold the disfigured part
When you have reached the apropriate heating time quickly turn off your blow dryer and position the piece you heated where you would like it. It is important to be very careful as it will bend very easily. While holding your thumb over your heat dial and keeping your hand on the disired position of the part you are fixing, quickly run the miniature under cold running water. When the cold water meets the warm plastic it will cause it to instantly cool and shock the plastic to stay in the position that you are holding it in.
Coolant Flush!
Pat or air dry and reattatch the dial. You now have successfuly fixed a disfigured mechwarrior miniature. On a side note it is imporant to cover the heat dial as there is no lamination of the sticker and your heat dial could face water damage if not protected. Fully repaired!
I would like to thank my good friend Zecks for taking the time to write up this article and for taking the pictures to help explain the entire process. If you would like to see more photos on this Mechwarrior Repair Bay article please check the forums HERE