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  • Paintier 80 Review

    Posted on July 7th, 2004 Rob No comments

    Let me preface this review by saying that I sell these, so I'm a little biased. I really believe though, that I should use what I sell so that I can judge the worth and quality of the items from a consumers point of view.

    The Paintier comes in in a heavy corrugated box that would provide good basing material for terrain builders. Shipping weight is listed at 5lbs (which I didn't check manually)

    The box is well packed without any wasted space or packing material.

    Paintier 80 BoxBeing the typical GUY that I am, I didn't even glance at the instructions and started to put everything together "willie nillie". This approach pointed out the biggest issue with the Paintier… What configuration to use? Should I take the maximum space provided by using the large spacers and center posts all the way through? Should I save vertical space by using the minimum space needed by my paint? How much paint did I actually have? Sheesh. I grabbed a few Vallejo and GW bottles to see how they fitted in. The Vallejo Game Color bottles actually have a very small foot print so I could get all of them (all 60) on 2 levels of the carrousel. I decided to go for two tall bottom sections and two short top sections.

    The Paintier website list one of the uses of the carrousel as a holder for Mage Knight figures. You know, of course, I had to try it. The 1.5" round bases fit perfectly in the large tray depressions so the Paintier 80 would hold 80 of the Mage Knight (single dial) figures. If you are the type to repaint the awful canned figures then you could keep the figures needing to be painted on the top of the carrousel and have all the paint underneath.

    Once I stopped futzing with the MK figs, I grabbed all my Vallejo paint and a pile of others. As I mentioned, I was able to get all 60 Game Colors on the top 2 tiers of the Paintier. 30 bottles fit exactly on a tier so a Paintier 40 wouldnt give you any leeway for inks, or large (cheap) paint bottles of common colours. I filled the bottom 2 tiers with GW paints and inks and taller bottles of acrylics (4").

    The black handle makes this easy to transport (carefully). This is important to me as I tend to work inside and outside. I dont have a "dedicated" workbench so portability is important. The handle also rotates the carrousel. My biggest problem is that I have too much paint 🙂 I need two of these.

    Overall, this is an excellent item and a must have if you have a lot of paint. Its simple, well made and well thought out. Other than the initial confusion of what configuration to use, I couldnt find any flaws with the product.

    For sale in the Dungeon Crawlers Store

    Paintier 80 filled

    all 60 vallejo

    other paint sizes

    Box Contents 1
    Box Contents 2
    Paintier 80 completed

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