Fictional Reality is closing down
Posted on January 1st, 2010 No commentsI just heard that Fictional Reality magazine has published it’s last issue. The creator, Mark Theurer has announced that Fictional Reality magazine will be ending.
I read this on Tabletop Gaming News but wasn’t able to find the original news release so I’ll steal TGN’s copy.
With a new year beginning there’s also an end coming to something that I’ve worked on for almost ten year now. I will be shutting down Fictional Reality and the recent December 2009 issue will be the last.
I’d like to thank everyone who’s had anything at all to do with FR over the past several years. I feel like if I single out any one person or group to thank first that I’d be doing a disservice to the others, so, in no particular order I’d like to thank…
…the readers, the advertisers, those that sent in stuff to be reviewed, those that wrote articles, gaming websites that have helped post news of FR and the co-editors that I’ve had over the years. I hope that I didn’t forget anyone. If so, I’m sorry. Many thanks to all of you.
I’ll be leaving the FR site up for a while but it will be coming down at some point. If there are issues you want to grab better get them while the getting is good.
Now, I’m not vanishing from the gaming scene. Not by a long shot. I’ll be posting news on a new project that I’m working on soon, but this is really to let everyone know that FR has come to an end and to offer my thanks to everyone that had anything at all to do with it. It’s been an enjoyable ten (almost) years and I’ve had the opportunity to meet some wonderful people in the gaming/hobby industry.
Mark Theurer
I have emailed Mark to see if I’d be allowed to host his archives. Hopefully we can keep this valuable resource online. Personally, I know how hard it is to run a site for years. Dungeon Crawlers has been online since 2003 and I’ve seen a lot of sites come and go. I try to save as much as I can (or am allowed to).
The June 2009 issue of Fictional Reality is out
Posted on June 10th, 2009 No commentsHere we are with the new issue of Fictional Reality. The June 2009 issue of Fictional Reality is ready and it’s packed with all sorts of stuff.
You can check out the new issue at http://www.fictionalreality.org
Inside you’ll find…
* Battle Report: Learn how to play Warlands from Aberrant.
* Game Reviews: Two WWG sets, Incursion, The Quintessential Fighter and more.
* Miniature Reviews: Red Box Games, Reaper, Mercs, Aberrant, Urban Mammoth and more.
* Painting Workshop: U.S. APEs for Incursion and SOTR.
* Army Building: My (re)entry into Warhammer Fantasy Battle.Due to a massive laptop failure I’m afraid that our e-mail list of people that wanted personal notification of each new issue has been fried. If you’d like to get on the list to get an e-mail from me as soon as each new issue is available just drop me a line at m.theurer@tx.rr.com with FR Subscription in the subject line and I’ll hook you up.
Mark, FR
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