Dungeon Crawlers
Supporting Miniature Wargamers Above and Below Ground-
WizKids Games To Release MAGE KNIGHT: RESURRECTION – HeroClix by Wizkids Games
Posted on February 12th, 2013 No commentsI’ll be watching this closely. Dungeon Crawlers has a long history of supporting Mage Knight. Just check our Mage Knight download section
WizKids Games To Release MAGE KNIGHT: RESURRECTION – HeroClix by Wizkids Games.
Hillside, New Jersey – February 11, 2013 – WizKids Games, a subsidiary of NECA, announced today plans to release an all-new fantasy miniatures product based upon the popular and long-lived world of MAGE KNIGHT. The first game to utilize the extremely versatile and innovative Combat Dial System game platform, MAGE KNIGHT boasts over a dozen releases, including an award-winning board game based on the property.
“MAGE KNIGHT is what started it all and we’re happy to return to the world WizKids Games created,” said Justin Ziran, president of WizKids Games. “MAGE KNIGHT is a beloved franchise, by both the fans and all of us here in the office. We’re committed to offering something that is compelling and respects MAGE KNIGHT’s long history.”
Planned for release in fall 2013, MAGE KNIGHT: RESURRECTION will be a full fantasy miniatures line utilizing the Combat Dial System game platform it pioneered. There will be 25 miniatures in the line, with content pulled from all corners of the MAGE KNIGHT universe. Each figure will incorporate SwitchClix technology, and include two dials one designed for the MAGE KNIGHT 2.0 rules, and a second HeroClix P.A.C.-compatible dial. MAGE KNIGHT: RESURRECTION will be offered in both full starter sets and collectible booster packs, two formats familiar to the collectible industry and fans of the collectible franchise.
A wholly-owned subsidiary of the National Entertainment Collectibles Association Inc. (NECA), WizKids/NECA is a New Jersey-based game developer and publisher dedicated to creating games driven by imagination. Its HeroClix brand is the most successful collectible miniatures games on the market today, with over 250 million miniature game figures sold worldwide. For additional information, visit www.wizkidsgames.com
CONTACT (NECA and Wizkids):
Leo Saraceni
908-686-3300 xt 230 -
Dungeon Crawler Miniatures (DCMs) Kickstarter TIDAL WAVE Redeux.
Posted on November 2nd, 2012 No commentsOur friends at Dungeon Crawler (no relation) are running a Kickstarter Campaign.
I recommend that you check it out:
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dungeoncrawler/dungeon-crawler-minis-dcm-tidal-wave-redeuxFrom their website:
We are offering a Set of 8 nautically themed miniatures entitled “TIDAL WAVE”. These miniatures are available as SINGLES unpainted or pre-painted. We even have limited prints of Alternate paint schemes as Rewards for this campaign.
Inspiration Pad Pro 3 BETA
Posted on August 26th, 2012 No commentsNBOS Software has released their Beta for Inspiration Pad Pro 3! Inspiration Pad Pro is one of the best Random Generators you can get. The learning curve is not that steep for learning how to code it, heck if I can figure it out anyone can! Go check it out!
New Features:
Built in table editor
Debugging console
Simpler Expressions
New Dictionary Tables
Warbases.co.uk now make custom Tokens & Dice!
Posted on August 2nd, 2012 No commentsWarbases.co.uk no only make splendid laser cut MDF terrain, bases and movement trays they now make custom Tokens and Dice! The tokens come in eleven colours and three shapes or you can custom make your own tokens to be submitted to Warbases.co.uk! These are perfect for your Wargame, Role Playing Game or CCG!
They also have laser etched custom dice in six colours! Imagine the possibilities for your favourite board game, table top game or RPG! The dice are 16mm with rounded corners.
I have personally used Warbases.co.uk on numerous occasions for custom laser cut MDF terrain, Bases and Movement Trays and have always been amazed at the quality, price, and excellent customer service!
Games Workshop to release Space Wolves & Tyranids
Posted on February 25th, 2012 No commentsGames Workshop has announced new Citadel Finecast models for March 3rd!
The long awaited Thunderwolf Cavalry and Fenrisian Wolves have come! Also the release of Arjac Rockfist, Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf, and old favourites such as Lucas the Trickster are now in Finecast. Space Wolf players are not the only customers dancing for joy with the release of the Swarm Lord, Tervigon and a few character models as well. The orders are limited to five per person due to high demand.
Project: VT-3 Pinzgauer
Posted on February 10th, 2012 No commentsMel Ebbles is starting a new project and by sponsoring you can get in on the ground floor of Beta Testing and choose your own color scheme and a simple prop!
This is a heavy shuttle for the Saga Of The Uppity Robots series.
- 17″ long, 4″ tall (stands 5″ tall with landing gear included), and about 7-ish inches wide
- Functional cargo bay measuring 8″ long, 4″ wide, and 3″ tall.
- The nose cargo door opens inwards and upwards, and the entire belly drops to the ground like the Aliens dropship.
Support This Project
- The minimum pledge of $15 entitles you to the finished product, as well as early access to the beta files.
- Every increment of $5 above the minimum allows you to sponsor a custom color scheme of your choosing.
- Every increment of $10 above the minimum allows you to sponsor an extra prop or accessory item of 1-2 pages.
- You may combine the above perks any way you like.
All custom color schemes and other perks will be completed on a first-come, first-serve basis after the beta phase is completed.
So what are you waiting for? Get on over there and support the project!
Mage Knight Board Game Sold Out Within 20 days of Release
Posted on December 24th, 2011 No commentsMage Knight Board Game Sold Out Within 20 days of Release | Wizkids/NECA, Inc.
The Portal is closed… for now
WizKids Games announces the just released Mage Knight Board Game is sold out
Amass an army of followers, learn new skills and spells, rule through respect or fear—these are the choices of the Mage Knight. The portal has opened and many of you have stepped through. So many, in fact, that the first print run of the Mage Knight Board Game— intended to fill projected sales for the entire year— has sold out in the first month of release. WizKids Games wishes to congratulate game designer Vlaada Chvátil on his creation of the Mage Knight Board Game which is being enjoyed and applauded worldwide by fans of this epic fantasy game.
Due to this overwhelming response, a second production run of the game is assured. We are also excited to announce plans to release the game in German, Czech and other languages as details are finalized. Please check back to wizkidsgames.com or your distributor for updates on language plans and availability of reprints.
Please note that there are very limited supplies remaining for American retailers through Alliance Game Distributors or Diamond Comic Distributors – contact your sales representatives for order information. International retailers may find small amounts available via their local distributors.
Planetary Updates!
Posted on October 13th, 2011 No commentsTwo of my favourite mapping software has just been updated! Fractal Terrains 3 and AstroSynthesis v3.0!
The most amazing update for Fractal Terrains 3 is the option to export to Google Earth! As well as faster refresh and draw time!
So what is new in Fractal Terrains 3?
- CC3, Google Earth, Cosmographer 3 and 16-bit PNG export.
- Screen rendering on mulitcore processors is twice as fast or more.
- The complex mathematical operations used in Fractal Terrains are up to 20% faster.
- Performance scales better with the number of processors available on the system.
- The interface has been improved with a variety of themes.
- Added texture-based climate shader which works on sea areas.
- Added normalize tool to manually fix problems with painting in earlier versions that could cause black areas to appear on the world.
- Many niggles and bugs fixed and export libraries updated.
Price: 32.95 (27.95 for download only)
Fractal Terrains 3 is perfect as stand alone or if you own Campaign Cartographer 3 and any of the add-on software you can export your maps to scale! This is a HUGE time saver if you are making several different overland maps to scale!
AstroSynthesis allows you to create an entire galaxy all in 3D! Star Coordinates, System Generator, Planet Maps, Animations, Search Functions and so much more! You can even choose to use the built in Planet Generator or Profantasy’s Fractal Terrains!
So what is new in version 3?
- New Integrated Orbital Display
- Multiple Star System Display
- Flexible System Generator
- Terraforming
- Fixed-Number Star System Generation
- On the Fly Surface Map Generation
- 3D Models
- Background Images
- Anti-Aliased Graphics
- Natural Language Search
- Sector Date and Time Tracking
- Travel Calculator
- Video Recording / Movie Making
- New Storage Engine
- Automatic Updater
- Better Windows 7/ Vista support
Price: $34.95 US (download only) or $20.00 to upgrade
I have been using both programs since they first came out and I have been pleased to purchase every upgrade that has come out since. If you play any space faring game such as GURPS, Serenity, Traveller, RIFTS, or any other type of game then these programs are for you! I even use AstroSynthesis for my Fantasy campaign as I use it to figure out the position of the planets and stars!
Are you a wargamer instead? I also use AstroSynthesis for campaigns in my Warhammer 40,000 games. AstroSynthesis is perfect for generating the systems that we play over, distances and travel time then export to CC3 for local maps with Cosmographer 3. The possibilities of these two products is almost endless!
I would also like to add that both companies have amazing customer service. I’ve never had a problem with them answering questions that I have had in the past.
Get over to their respected web pages and read more about these amazing products!
World Works Games Release Roll Arena
Posted on September 2nd, 2011 No commentsDescription
WorldWorksGames Roll Arena is the must have accessory for all role players! 100% system generic, the Roll Arena elevates dice throwing to a whole new level!
- A variety of arena inserts are included, allowing you to define hit locations or resolve randomized symbol based outcomes. Swap them out as needed!
- Includes completely editable system cards which match each arena symbol, allowing you to define conditions based on your unique needs.
- A card drawer plus two dice drawers finish off the perfect dice throwing solution for your next game!
Preview the instructions here to see how it all goes together!
This set also includes GSD files for owners of Silhouette or Craft ROBO cutters.
$6.50 USD
I’ve had a chance to make the roller arena myself and I really enjoy it! You can add your own text to the cards which is really handy for personalising your games! Here is a picture of the Roller arena I built.
I’ve customised the cards for my GURPS game and come in quite handy! So check out the Roll Arena and see what other people are saying about it!
World Works Games Relaunch!
Posted on July 21st, 2011 No commentsWe’re Just Getting Started!
WorldWorksGames is nearing its 10th anniversary and as astounding as that number is to those of us who’ve been around since the beginning, what’s more exciting is just how far we have left to go. This decade long journey saw WWG setting many new standards, occasionally fumbling but always pushing the limits of where we could take the medium and the market. The journey has taught us that the road isn’t just long, it never truly ends and each new place we visit is more amazing than the last. Put simply; WorldWorksGames has finally come of age and we want you by our side as we explore new paths.
We can’t say the above without mentioning the incredible nature of the community which has formed around us over the past decade. Bar none, the WorldWorksGames community is one of the friendliest, most supportive communities out there. You simply won’t meet a better group of people and we are constantly humbled by how fortunate we are to have you along with us for the ride.
At Home with WorldWorksGames
To us, the WWG website is about much more than the same old, tired e-store experience you’ve seen a million times before. To us, its always been a place to hang your hat, talk with like-minded friends and explore the potential of the hobby together. Though we’ve worked very hard for the past year to ensure an intuitive shopping experience, our focus moving forward will be on the community, how to make it stronger, more supportive, more inspiring and it will never truly be finished (so watch the wet paint!). This is a work in progress fueled by you!
New Store Features
Reduced Prices!: Over the years we’ve seen pricing trends change dramatically while the market found its feet. To that end, we’ve adjusted pricing catalog wide to help you stretch your hobby dollars to the max! Food and clothing are just as important as gaming goods…we realize that!
Robust Catalog Filtration Tools: You can now browse our catalog by Category, Genre and Product Line. We’ve broken our products into distinct product lines, with detailed descriptions for each, to help you make an informed purchase decision each step of the way!
FREE Kitbashes!: Product owners now have completely free access to fan modified kitbashes associated with each core catalog purchase. Kitbashes remain available for purchase to those who do not own or for whatever reason do not wish to own the model set from which they were derived. (More kitbashes to be added and updated from our archives as we move forward).
Easy Downloads with “Collections”: We’ve created an all new “My Home” area which includes 3 handy visual collections tools. My Collection, My Kitbashes & My Freebies offer you a visually intuitive listing of your purchases and complimentary contents. Simply scan to the product image of your choice and hit “Download”. Doesn’t get any simpler than that!
Public Profiles: The single best way to promote community growth is to promote community members as individuals! With Public Profiles, users can opt to share details about themselves, their builds, their product reviews, their hobby and their level of support in general. We have additional enhancements coming to the Public Profiles area which will offer tighter integrations to other areas (forums/galleries) and connect users in unique ways, to inspire, to forge friendships and offer guidance. You can also use Public Profiles to check in on your favorite designers to see what they’ve created in the past and what they are working on right now!
Countdowns: After a product hits a specific level of completion on our “In the Works” meter on our homepage, you can expect a countdown to start which exactly marks a products launch date on our store.
News & Social Networks: WorldWorksGames will be fully supporting regular updates to FaceBook and Twitter feeds as well as regular RSS support and a newly streamlined newsletter format. Keeping up to date with WWG has never been easier!
Expanded FAQ / Tutorials Area: We’ve expanded and consolidated our tutorials, support materials and information into an easy to browse listing.
More Friends on the Way!: You can expect to see some fresh faced designers around WorldWorksGames as we continue to expand our catalog and product range (you may even know a few of them). You will also see unique features from time to time with a focus on maximizing your table top gaming experience!
Much More to Come!
We aren’t done yet! The truth is that the new WorldWorksGames store has many planned features waiting in the wings for implementation. We have broad improvements to community features, a richer user experience and support structure, additional shopping tools and much more on the way! Our goal is to provide you with the best online shopping experience and community experience possible for tabletop gaming related goods, both digital and otherwise.
Like we said; we’re just getting started!